NTTデータの金子さんの問題解決のためのD-Case, PS-Caseを公開しました(^^)/
- 名前(Name)
- 意図(Intent)
- PS-Case is a problem solving
method based on a set of evidence.
- 動機(Motivation)
- PS-Case has 3 points of visualization, “1.
Visualization of claim and evidence”, “2. Visualization of logic”, “3.
Visualization of quality assurance story”.
- PS-Case has the
advantages of argumentation tool and quality
assurance tool.
- 構造(Structure)
- 適用条件(Applicability)
- 使用方法(Implementation)
- PS-Case plans a
solution to the problem with validity by the problem procedure that
visualized rationale. The solution to the problem procedure of PS-Case
prescribes five phases of processes that are“1.Identify
the problem, 2.Research and analyze
causes, 3.Propose the problem solution, 4.Carry out the solution
to the problem, 5. Evaluate the result”. Each process becomes the
subgoals in the GSN figure, and it is necessary to show the content that
carried out for a solution to the problem at the stage as evidence.
- 前例(Known Usage)
- PS-Case –A Problem
Solving Method Based on a set of Evidence,Promac2015
- 例(Example)
- The goal is “PS-Case
has the advantage comparing existing problem solving methods.”
- 関連D-Case (Related patterns)
- PS-Case –A Problem
Solving Method Based on a set of Evidence,Promac2015